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Find a Yoga Class in Bath

Yoga is a journey inwards not outward; it is important to pay attention to how we feel rather than what we look like, we practice to sustain and improve our energy and to learn independence rather than to be dependent… We learn to take responsibility for our own safe practice and to become aware of our habits. You will need a mat and a yoga block or hardback book to use as a support. All classes contain postures (asana), breath work (pranayama) and focussed awareness (dharana).

To book a class please email or call 07973 736242.

Yoga Class Timetable

Classes LIVE + LIVE STREAM at The Hub, Mulberry Park, Combe Down and Museum of Bath Stone, Combe Down.
Angela is also available for 1–2-1 sessions to help develop and sustain your own home practice.


9.40 – 10.55am Yoga
LIVE at The Hub, Mulberry Park, Combe Down

7.15 – 8.30pm Yoga experienced
LIVE + LIVE STREAM at The Hub, Mulberry Park, Combe Down

The Breathing Space
30 min pre-recorded weekly breath practices.


6.00 – 7.00pm Yoga
LIVE Yoga – Museum of Bath Stone, 54a Combe Road, Combe Down

12.00-1.00pm Somatic Yoga
LIVE STREAM plus recorded

Yoga Nidra
Guided ‘yoga sleep’, a practice to help lessen anxiety and tension – 1 x month – Zoom9.30 –


9.30 – 10.45am General Yoga
LIVE + LIVE STREAM – The Hub, Mulberry Park, Combe Down

Book a Yoga Class

To book a class please email or call 07973 736242.

If you are new to my classes I will ask you to fill out a health questionnaire before joining.

Online Class Guide

  1. You will need an internet connection and a laptop, iPad, phone or computer.
  2. You will need to download Zoom or the Zoom app.
  3. Please book into the class by email – – at lease 90 minutes before the class and pay by BACS or direct debit before the class starts (details on how to pay will be sent to you on receipt of your booking).
  4. You will be sent a Zoom invitation with the link and a meeting ID and password so that you can access the class.
  5. You should have your audio enabled and sound turned up. If you want to be seen in order to receive ‘adjustments’ etc you will need to enable your video. If your connection starts to play up you can try turning off video so you can still hear and be seen but we can’t see you. This reduces the demand on your internet connection.
  6. When we start the class you can ‘pin’ the video of the teacher so that this remains the main screen you see. Do this by hovering over their video box, click the three blue dots and select ‘pin video.’
  7. Usually the teach will ‘mute’ all participants on entry so there is no background sound or feedback from others. If you need to ask a question, however, you can un-mute yourself.
  8. Arrive at the class in good time (you will be put into a virtual waiting room) and make sure you have your space ready and clear of clutter with your mat laid out, block or book ready to use as a support and maybe a blanket or belt if you usually use them.

Please let the teacher know of any injuries or health conditions and take good care when practising online, never push yourself and modify or abstain when necessary and work within your personal capabilities and limitations. The teacher assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered.